Single Opto (RX or TX)


SKU: N/A Category:
Each single opto board contains either a transmitter or a receiver. There are 4 variations of each:

1) Inside-Edge
2) Inside-Center
3) Outside-Edge
4) Outside-Center

1) Inside-Edge
2) Inside-Center
3) Outside-Edge
4) Outside-Center
Inside boards have a transmitter or receiver that points out from the face of the board, whereas outside boards have a transmitter or receiver that points back through to the back side of the board.

Edge boards have a transmitter or receiver placed near the edge of the board, whereas center boards have a transmitter or receiver placed near the center of the board.

Transmitter boards use 4-pin 2mm JST PH-series connectors with the following pinout:

1) 12v
2) Ground
3) 12v
4) Ground

The second set of 12v and ground pins allows for chaining power to another transmitter board.

Receiver boards use 3-pin 2mm JST PH-series connectors with the following pinout:

1) Receive signal
2) Ground
3) Ground

The second set of ground pins allows for chaining ground to another receiver board.

For high volume quotes, please contact us at [email protected].

Additional Resources

Connectors for use with Multimorphic boards

Additional information

Weight N/A
Single Opto Boards

Receiver Inside Center, Receiver Inside Edge, Receiver Outside Center, Receiver Outside Edge, Transmitter Inside Center, Transmitter Inside Edge, Transmitter Outside Center, Transmitter Outside Edge