Announcing PinGlass: A new line of premium pinball glass

We are excited to announce a new product line under the brand name “PinGlass”. PinGlass represents premium glass for pinball games without the premium prices, and we’re launching with 2 primary products: PinGlass+ : A high-end anti-reflective, ultra low-iron, tempered glass that reduces glare and reflections. Once installed in your game, this glass gives the […]

P3 Update Kits

Hi all – we have lots to talk about! We hope many of you have gotten a chance to play The Princess Bride and other P3 games at shows this year.  The Princess Bride was on display at Allentown Pinfest this past weekend in P3 distributor Justin Wise’s booth, and we just shipped out pre-production playfields […]

Introducing The Princess Bride pinball game

We are incredibly excited to introduce The Princess Bride pinball game for the P3 Pinball Platform! Video Introduction The game is based on the 1987 film and is loaded with video clips, quotes, and dynamic content that guide the player through all of the iconic scenes. The physical playfield includes interactive features modeled directly from […]

Welcome to the team: Josh Kugler

We are thrilled to announce the addition of Josh Kugler to the Multimorphic development team as the lead programmer for our upcoming major release (codename: Nitrogen). Joining the team in mid-2022, Josh has been an integral part of the Nitrogen project from its inception. We eagerly anticipate sharing the results of his and the entire […]

Announcing our 6th full game kit: Final Resistance

Multimorphic, Inc. is proud to announce the 6th full game kit for the P3 Pinball Platform, Final Resistance! Final Resistance delivers fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping gameplay with a wide variety of flowing shots and interactive toys.  Music from creative director, Scott Danesi, artwork from Jonathan Bergeron, rules by Bowen Kerins, and software, light shows, and graphics by […]

Texas Pinball Festival, Production Update, and Flipper Upgrade Kits

We’re back from last weekend’s Texas Pinball Festival, where we had nine P3s set up for everybody to play.  The Limited and Standard versions of our latest game, Weird Al’s Museum of Natural Hilarity, were played constantly throughout the event, and the enthusiasm and reactions to the game were absolutely amazing.  We also set up Heist, […]

Weird Al’s Museum of Natural Hilarity

Multimorphic, Inc. is proud to announce its newest game kit for the P3 Pinball Platform, Weird Al’s Museum of Natural Hilarity! Weird Al’s Museum of Natural Hilarity is based on the music and career of “Weird Al” Yankovic, the 5-time Grammy award-winning singer, musician, and actor. It features 17 Weird Al songs, over 2000 custom […]

New Team Members: Bowen Kerins and Colin MacAlpine

Multimorphic, Inc. is excited to announce two new team members, Bowen Kerins and Colin MacAlpine! As incredibly accomplished pinball players, rules experts, and creative geniuses, Bowen and Colin bring a wealth of pinball knowledge and experience to the Multimorphic development team. They’ll be involved in the full creative process on current and future Multimorphic titles […]

Enhanced Flippers

Multimorphic, Inc. is excited to introduce an enhanced flipper experience for the P3. Upgraded P3 flipper assemblies deliver more ball control and more consistent flip power, thereby helping the player feel better connected to the immersive gameplay experiences the system delivers. The P3 is a revolutionary multi-game pinball platform, and the P3‘s flippers are unique […]

WiFi Software Updates

Multimorphic, Inc., the manufacturer of the revolutionary P3 pinball platform is proud to announce support for WiFi-based software downloads and updates on the P3. The P3 platform has long supported network-based gaming features, such as head-to-head racing across the internet for Cosmic Cart Racing players and local battles for Heads Up! players. Networking features are […]