Multimorphic, Inc. is proud to announce the 6th full game kit for the P3 Pinball Platform, Final Resistance!
Final Resistance delivers fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping gameplay with a wide variety of flowing shots and interactive toys. Music from creative director, Scott Danesi, artwork from Jonathan Bergeron, rules by Bowen Kerins, and software, light shows, and graphics by Michael Ocean and Rory Cernuda combine to immerse you into the story of the game, a battle against the powerful invaders!
While continuing to leverage the unrivaled innovations of the P3 Pinball Platform, Final Resistance also uses the playfield display to deliver a mostly traditional pinball experience, resulting in another unique P3 game and an excellent addition to everybody’s P3 game library.
The Final Resistance game kit will sell for $3400, with pre-orders opening on Thursday, March 9 at 9:00am Central Time. We’re planning a livestream of gameplay for Friday, March 17 at 7:00pm Central Time.
Note – the game kit is a module that installs into a P3 Pinball Platform, which can be purchased separately.
– If you already have a P3 or you have one on order, you’ll be able to secure your Final Resistance game kit with a $500 non-refundable deposit. Final Resistance game kit deposits will be securable on our webstore at
– If you want to order a new P3 with the Final Resistance game kit, you’ll be able to secure the order with a $2000 non-refundable deposit, plus a $500 deposit for each additional game kit you’d like to receive with the machine. Full machine orders will be handled by email according to the ordering instructions at
Production of Final Resistance game kits will begin in May.
Orders will be processed in the order received.
Those of you with P3 machines on order and who want to add the Final Resistance game kit must order Final Resistance separately after pre-orders open. If your Final Resistance order hits production before your machine is ready, you’ll be given the option to take delivery of the game kit immediately or defer it until the machine is ready.
Also, just to be clear, Final Resistance production is planned such that all outstanding Weird Al’s Museum of Natural Hilarity game kits ordered by existing P3 owners will ship before Final Resistance kits do.