P3 Machine with The Portal Standard Game Kit (Deposit)


Pre-order a P3 with Portal Standard

This listing is for a non-refundable deposit towards the machine with the game kit installed. The full price is $11,620 plus shipping.

The balance will be due when your machine is entering production, which begins for Portal configurations this summer (2025). Within 2 weeks of ordering, you will be notified with your estimated production date.

IMPORTANT: Please review our Non-Refundable Pre-Order Policy before pre-ordering this product.

This product listing is for a non-refundable deposit towards a P3 with the Portal Standard Game Kit installed. The P3 is a revolutionary multi-game pinball platform with amazing technology, swappable physical game kits, and a growing library of amazing games!

Click here for videos, pictures, and descriptions of the game.

Shown with the optional topper (sold separately)

Each P3 comes with your choice of cabinet artwork. You will be asked to confirm that you’d like the Portal artwork or a different artwork package when your machine enters production.

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